微软 solutions for the life sciences industry

Bring your data to action with a 微软 life sciences solution

Leverage 微软 for the life sciences industry

From GMP and supply chain issues to 退款, 退税, gross to net (GTN) and government pricing (GP), today’s life sciences organizations face increasingly complex operations. 获得更大的数据可见性对于保持敏捷性和应对挑战至关重要. 几十年来,, RSM has been a trusted advisor to biotechnology, pharmaceutical and medical device companies, 提供创新的微软 Dynamics生命科学解决方案,以满足他们的数字化转型需求.

Get the visibility and data you need to make better decisions

RSM的Dynamics 365生命科学加速器和解决方案在单个基于云的解决方案上提供企业范围的可见性, enabling contract management, cGMP和联邦法规(CFR)第11部分合规性和假冒保护. 这是一款面向生命科学公司的ERP,它将Dynamics与GMP连接在一起, 验证, CMO和第三方物流的整合, 退款, 退税, GTN和GP. 全面的平台使您的组织可以自由地进行创新,而不会分心.


  • 全球 and small-scale deployments of Dynamics 365
  • 收入合同管理:退款,回扣,GTN和政府报告
  • GMP accelerator with 第11部分 compliant single and dual signature
  • 3PL and CMO integration to connect virtual supply chain
  • SOX, controls and DOD practice with Dynamics 365 experience
  • VAT, SALT and income tax practices integrated to our Dynamics 365 team
  • Data analytics, Azure Data Lake and conversion services practice
  • FDA computer system assurance practice

RSM: The first-choice 微软 advisor

RSM’s 微软 life sciences advisors have decades of experience building, operating and supporting biotechnology, pharmaceutical and medical device companies. 我们利用丰富的经验和客户意见,为生命科学制造商创造有价值的最后一英里解决方案. 结果是, we are the go-to advisor for middle market companies in evaluating, 选择, implementing and supporting 微软 solutions. 

生命科学公司,如制药和医疗器械制造商,正在努力遵守当前良好生产规范(cGMP)。, 21 CFR Part 210 & 211, 第11部分, and Part 820 in their ERP systems, require a subset of capabilities to meet compliance standards. 追踪的需要, 跟踪和计划供应链合作伙伴的材料,如合同制造组织(CMO), Contract Packaging Organizations (CPO), and Third-Party Logistic (3PL) companies are also a common requirements.   RSM has built these capabilities into Dynamics 365 Finance & Supply Chain Management with our Life Sciences Essentials solution.

被认为对cGMP至关重要的交易包括遵守21 CFR 210 & 第11部分(单和双电子签名),材料控制和制造限制.  除了, 普遍的外包商业模式推动了从活性药物成分(API)到CMO到CPO,最后到第三方物流的整个供应链的可见性和可追溯性的需求.   From a commercial perspective, the ability to also plan demand, 库存, 整个供应链的生产是成功实现目标的关键.  RSM在Dynamics 365之上建立了“最后一英里”功能,以支持内部制造和外包给服务提供商.

Learn more about 微软 from our 技术 Blog

Leveraging technology to enhance profitability and contract performance
在生命科学行业的运营可能会带来各种各样的挑战,包括退款的可见性和管理, 退税, 费用, 收益, 回报和毛净额比.
Contract management: What it means and how to optimize key processes
合同管理是制药公司成功的关键因素. 组织必须保持效率和对细节的关注,以在确保准确性和遵从性的同时继续增长.

Featured client success story

Rhythm Pharmaceuticals implements Dynamics 365

"We had 10 weeks to get everything configured tested and go live. I was quite pleased how easy and smooth it went."

约翰•Hulburt Vice President and Corporate Controller

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