

RSM provides 外包 services to support company operations over the years



当与RSM的接触开始时, Sigilon Therapeutics是一家小型初创公司, 在成为上市公司的路上. RSM帮助Sigilon实现了一个企业vwin娱乐场官方规划系统. 但双方的合作迅速扩大到包括金融和IT元素.

托管云和IT 生命科学 生物制药
劳动和劳动力 医学技术 NetSuite 管理服务
It’s great to have one company that you trust to do everything that you need, 以及时的方式和专业人士知道他们在做什么.
詹姆斯•墨菲 Sigilon Therapeutics Inc .财务副总裁兼财务总监.

成功的公司总是在前进. Even by the standards of the fast-paced biopharmaceutical industry, Sigilon Therapeutics Inc. 在相对较短的时间内迅速转变.

James Murphy是Sigilon的财务副总裁兼财务总监, 他负责思吉隆的IT系统. Sigilon seeks to develop functional cures for patients with a broad range of chronic diseases by harnessing the power of the human cell. Murphy says one reason Sigilon has been able to grow and change quickly is because RSM US LLP has provided a wide range of managed services that have enabled the organization to focus on their core business.

“It’s really about leveraging RSM’s knowledge to make sure that we’re operating effectively,墨菲说. “It’s great to have one company that you trust to do everything that you need, 以及时的方式和专业人士知道他们在做什么.”

Sigilon was founded in 2015 and hired RSM in 2018 to implement an enterprise resource planning system that could handle the growing company’s needs—including Sarbanes-Oxley (SOX) compliance. 当订婚开始时, Sigilon是一家小型初创公司, 他们将在2020年成为一家上市公司. To keep pace, RSM had to prove it could be just as nimble and proactive as Sigilon.


在评估了西吉隆的环境和增长目标之后, RSM采用NetSuite来帮助公司实现工作流自动化, enhance budgeting processes and make other crucial improvements to their technology platform. 实施进展顺利。, and RSM stayed on to serve as both the managed IT services provider and a NetSuite support partner.

RSM团队做了一些额外的改进, 例如实现新的交换机和防火墙, creating a more redundant network to protect against potential failures, 加强无线基础设施建设,加强互联互通. The result was a more functional, scalable and secure IT environment for Sigilon.

然而,升级IT系统只是思ilon增长计划的一部分. The company was also looking for a provider that could assess the organization’s financial functions. In essence, Sigilon needed a partner with capabilities in multiple service areas.

“The goal was to make sure that we would operate appropriately as a publicly traded company,墨菲说. “We wanted to ensure best practices and a highly secure environment across the organization.”

在回应, RSM next set out to improve Sigilon’s financial functions through ongoing application support of the company’s NetSuite platform. 许可证, 增强, changes and maintenance issues fell to RSM’s managed application services team. 不管所涉及的功能或团队如何, 然而, 这次接触的每个方面都集中在安全问题上.

合同的信息技术和财务方面都进展顺利, Sigilon and RSM discussed other projects that would help the company achieve their goals. Sigilon recognized that RSM had the resources to be a one-stop shop when it came to managed services, 多个部门之间的对话也加强了, which served to solidify the relationship and keep both organizations on the same path.


然而,没有时间满足于自己的荣誉. Sigilon was expanding quickly, and RSM made sure to keep up with the company’s needs.

“随着我们的成长, RSM帮助我们度过了各种各样的员工增加潮, 让员工适应新技术, 让我们的员工有效地完成工作,墨菲说. “Sigilon经历了非常快速和加速的增长期, RSM在每个阶段都能支持我们.”

As a public company, Sigilon would be audited and scrutinized in a way it had not been previously. The company had to ensure basic controls were in place, while keeping all critical data secure. 在回应, RSM帮助开发和实现数据存储解决方案, 文件共享等关键功能. 除了, 因为科学文件需要以特定的方式处理, Sigilon呼吁RSM协助创建一个新的存储系统. RSM also helped to set up a secure mechanism for both onboarding new employees and offboarding staff members who left the company.

By this point, RSM was functioning as more than just a third party providing a service. Sigilon’s evolving environment meant RSM had to adapt quickly to meet the company’s priorities. As such, RSM became a de facto partner—one that could offer a wealth of services.

例如, 一旦Sigilon成为一家上市公司, the demands of SOX compliance added a layer of complexity to the engagement. 然而,RSM在这个过程中也被证明是有帮助的.

Because of the different—and sometimes conflicting—demands of IT and SOX compliance, RSM提供了两个完全不同的团队与Sigilon一起工作. Murphy says that both teams have the necessary skill sets to meet the company’s needs within those respective areas. 他补充说,两个团队的工作相互补充.

“我会从SOX团队那里得到关于IT安全的问题,”墨菲说. “所以我会联系IT团队,确保一切正常. 到目前为止, nothing’s come up on the SOX compliance side that the IT team has not already thought about and that we haven’t already implemented.”


墨菲认为,虽然Sigilon经历了许多转变, 对于RSM,这些调整基本上是无缝的. He attributes this level of success to the teams on both sides and their ability to maintain open communication and adjust priorities as needed.

“在经历了许多变化之后,RSM一直是不变的, 它们对这么多函数的处理为我们提供了稳定性,墨菲说. “当问题出现时,他们会填补空白, 因为他们应对了很多这样的挑战, 我们可以专心工作.”

在未来, RSM将继续专注于改进Sigilon的IT功能, 支持公司的财务职能并确保SOX合规. RSM’s improvements and extensive resources have helped Sigilon focus on its main mission, 谁在创造突破性的疗法.

墨菲说:“RSM做了很多工作,以确保我们的发展. “We are looking to grow again, and when we do, we will leverage RSM’s experience to help us.”



RSM utilizes our full range of managed services to develop a customized solution to meet your needs.

