
会计 firm establishes a powerful IT platform

管理服务 go beyond a simple upgrade

业务服务 会计 & 咨询 专业服务 管理服务 云服务
IT基础设施 劳动和劳动力 托管IT服务 微软Azure


An accounting firm was having problems with its managed services provider, and RSM stepped in to resolve long-standing issues. 双方的合作仍在继续,多年后,两家公司仍在很好地合作.

It’s really been a hand-in-hand relationship. 随着我们的成长, and as RSM and the managed IT team grow with us, we’re going to keep going down the same path together.
尼科尔的Amurao, Firm Administrator, Rosenfield & Co.

If it wasn’t the last straw, it was very close. Nicholl Amurao说:“我们与之前的IT服务提供商有过严重的问题. “There were some catastrophic failures.”

Amurao is the firm administrator for Rosenfield & Co. 事务所, a certified public accounting firm that offers tax, 证明, 保证, and 咨询 services to clients in niche industries. 她几年前就这么说了, Rosenfield的IT服务提供商让公司依赖于支持多个办公室的单个本地服务器. The server’s hard drive failed, 公司在最后期限前失去了访问服务器的权限. 通常,当出现系统问题时,Amurao需要在凌晨3点开车到办公室.m. on a Sunday to push a reset button on a server or the firewall. Amurao says that Rosenfield’s IT environment is very different today.

“现在, I can just call somebody and say, “我们有麻烦了,’他们会说, “We’ll just remote right in and fix that, 一切都会好的,’”Amurao说. 罗森菲尔德不再与这家让Amurao头疼的IT供应商打交道. 这是因为八年前,罗森菲尔德聘请了RSM US LLP来升级其IT系统. 由于两支球队之间的紧密联系,这种合作至今仍在蓬勃发展.


Rosenfield has offices in five U.S. states and operates internationally. The company is a member of the RSM US Alliance, which is an affiliation of independent accounting, 咨询, and professional services firms. Amurao说,罗森菲尔德一直对利用技术提高效率很感兴趣. 例如, the firm embraced telecommuting over 20 years ago, long before the pandemic forced other companies to scramble for solutions.

“Back in those early days, 我们的工作人员随身携带着小发射机,把它们插在墙上,让他们的旧砖笔记本电脑上网,Amurao说. “So, 我们的领导层非常有远见,能想出一些看似疯狂的想法, and we look for a way to make it happen. 我们的座右铭是,‘如果它坏了,就修理它;如果它很棒,就把它弄坏,让它变得更好.’”

因此,当RSM的管理服务团队开始工作时,它vwin娱乐场官方了一个可接受的环境. RSM的首要任务之一是提高罗森菲尔德IT环境的效率,同时确保平台的安全性和对员工的可用性. This involved updating and standardizing the company’s equipment, as well as developing best-practice procedures.

Soon afterward, RSM helped transition Rosenfield to 微软Azure cloud. This helped the company’s employees work from anywhere in the world, 对于一个快速发展和处理更复杂数据的组织来说,哪个是必不可少的.

“我们一直在用笔记本电脑处理会计软件的数据, 当我们开始处理更复杂的项目和更大的客户时,这种方法变得非常无效, 这会带来更多的数据,Amurao说. “We needed to move on from that.”

As Rosenfield’s technological sophistication increased, and as the organization’s needs evolved, RSM调整了方法,并与公司合作,为未来构建IT路线图. Amurao说,长期的目标是确保罗森菲尔德在技术上是先进的, 这不仅提高了公司的生产力,而且为客户提供了增值优势.


当疫情开始时,罗森菲尔德对技术解决方案和远程工作的热爱得到了回报. 事实上,许多员工长期以来一直在远程办公,这使得办公室关闭不那么痛苦, 当然, such a major transition still necessitated quick thinking.

“当COVID来袭时, we were already prepared to be a virtual firm, but we weren’t prepared for how much data we had to move, and the memory increases this required,Amurao说. “So RSM worked with us, and we made a plan. As a result, we never skipped a beat. 如果我们没有这么好的RSM团队支持我们,我们真的可能会遇到一些问题. But there were no hiccups in service for us.”

Although Rosenfield has reopened its offices, 其大流行病解决方案的好处仍然在整个组织中蔓延. Staff members can continue to telecommute, and all of the company’s processing is now done on virtual servers.

Amurao说:“如果我们的员工想要远程工作,他们可以从一个门户网站登录。. “You can access data from home, 或者在野外, by logging into any device and working in the virtual desktop.”

RSM还负责维护公司的服务台,Amurao说这对公司的日常运营至关重要. 除了, RSM is working to create multifactor authentication, 有条件的访问, and additional security for Rosenfield’s IT platform. Future endeavors include establishing a client-facing portal.

“该门户网站将不同于其他公司提供的仪表板, and RSM will help us with the project,Amurao说. “So onward and upward, essentially.”


RSM’s influence is not confined to Rosenfield’s virtual environment. 这两个团队正专注于在德克萨斯州建立罗森菲尔德的新办事处.

Amurao表示:“在与RSM合作期间,我们已经建立了三个办事处. “每次, 我们在现场, hands-on assistance with building the offices, 网络功能, 和安装, 确保每件事都设置在最好的环境中,每个办公室都连接起来, 而不是每个人都在不同的系统上,没有人能弄清楚.”

德州办事处, Amurao met with RSM regularly to discuss networking and power needs, as well as hardware and software requirements. Amurao说,两个团队在开放沟通的基础上建立了坚实的工作关系, 结果就是, they are comfortable working closely together.

Amurao说,罗森菲尔德计划开设更多办事处,最有可能在华盛顿特区.C., metro area, and to focus on organic growth. She adds that RSM will continue to be a key part of the company’s efforts.

“关于我们未来的计划,我们与RSM进行了很多沟通,”Amurao说. “It’s really been a hand-in-hand relationship. 随着我们的成长, and as RSM and the managed IT team grow with us, we’re going to keep going down the same path together.”


RSM has comprehensive managed services that optimize finance, 技术, 并提供全方位的安防解决方案,满足企业和专业公司的需求.

RSM professional smiling, diverse workers, laptops and people
diverse people testing software, servers
IT基础设施 咨询: Empowering digital transformation
data points, 技术 symbols
技术 transformation and innovation services